

So I've been watching this little booger for about a month now. She's absolutely adorable and quite possibly the easiest baby around (although this morning 'easy' was not exactly a fitting word to describe her). It's been cool to see how different she looks from week to week, how much hair she's gotten, and how much more she'll eat (she went from 4 oz when I started to now taking 6 oz bottles at her afternoon feeding). 

Although she is not my child, I can see how easy it is to make a child the 100% focus of your entire world. She has to be carried everywhere, entertained, fed, changed, bathed... every moment must be considered with her needs in mind. If I want to take a walk or need to go somewhere, I have to time it around her feedings and make sure she is properly burped or she'll projectile vomit all over my car or swallow it (she does this. i don't know why.). 

This being said, if I were ready having children or had children I could so easily see myself getting wrapped up in routine and guidelines and schedule for the little one. I imagine the lengths that some women go through just to get pregnant and the time it takes some of them and wonder how I would respond if it were me. 

How do you not make parenthood or children or the need to care for someone an idol?

We plan on having children. I love children. But I will tell you that I definitely do not want them now. All my friends are doing the whole mushy 'I want a baby!' thing and I really just don't get it. None of us have been married for more than 2 years and although everyone's different, I personally enjoy not having to get up for 3 am and 5 am feedings, changing diapers, and abstaining from about a billion things just to house and feed a little person. I love being able to run over to a friend's house for dinner and not worry about either finding a babysitter or being concerned that my child is going to puke all over my friend's belongings or break something. 

I would suggest to anyone with 'baby fever' to borrow someone's infant for the day and then see how it goes. 


This is my second attempt at publishing this post and I had written this whole additional thing about food and it  was deleted. So I quit. 


  1. haha I feel like everyone is already pregnant! :) miss you!

  2. our older, several-anniversaries-in friends are already pregnant.
